The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Krulnor stood up, and beheld what had happened.
Clive was no longer live. He had become simply C.
He was not longer a hedgehog. He was a deadchog.
He was deceased.
An ex-chog.
Shuffled off this mortal coil.
The spark of his life had been taken from him.
I could go on, but that would risk infringing on various Monty Python copyrights, so I shall cease.
Somewhat like C had now ceased.

Krulnor retrieved his sword, hid C in some bushes, and patched up his various wounds by applying toilet paper to them - an ancient shavers tradition.
Then he sighed, took a deep breath, and searched the outhouse thoroughly, just in case any of the artifacts were concealed somewhere within the building's - ahem - bowels.
This was a smelly and messy undertaking, and once which we shall, for the sake of decency, avoid describing in detail. Let it only be said, that it was one of Krulnor's bravest moments, requiring a strong stomach and a peg upon his nose in order to successfully achieve.

Sadly, there was no sign of anything, and Krulnor eventually squelched from the building, feeling stink.

At this stage, no one would have blamed Krulnor for calling it a day, but he knew from experience that it was best to continue in times like this. For ending the day on a bum note was never a good idea, and this had definitely been a bum note.

So he turned and kicked the second door down.

This too turned out to be an outhouse, and shortly Livingston the hedgehog became Deadingston the hedgehog, joining C-dead in the bushes.

Krulnor 2 - Hedgehogs 0.

A second smelly survey took place, and Krulnor once again emerged emptyhanded. Although, to be more accurate, he emerged wishing he was emptyhanded, and desperately in need of a shower.

Not to be deterred, however, he took another deep breath (almost gagging in the process) and kicked down the third building's door (taking three attempts this time, as his boots were very slimy and hard to kick with), revealing a long passageway.

"Haha!" Krulnor muttered to himself, "This looks more like it!"
And as stealthfully as he could whilst smelling like three forms of manure and producing unappetising noises with every step, he entered the building, failing to notice the large "Dleifekaw Fancy Restaurant" sign above the door.

If he had, he would have felt quite ashamed at how underdressed he was.

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