The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Siamese Wizard's Super Solution to the Sinister Standoff

Being two heads attached to one body, and with each one controlling a single arm, is not the easiest thing to manage. There is a huge amount of teamwork and co-ordination needed if anything significant - or even many a basic thing - is to be accomplished.
The biggest problem, of course, is not knowing what the other mind is thinking, and therefore not knowing what your other hand will do.
About the only thing I could compare it to is the challenges involved in having two separate individuals attempting to write blognovels together, with each author being able to take the story in new, unexpected, and sometimes contradictory directions.
However, and just as in the blognovel hypothesis, there are times when two heads almost work better than one, and astonishing results can be achieved with the minimum of conversation.
Instinctively, Melvin and I each grabbed the tracker's arm, yanking it away from his (Melvin's) throat, and loosening the knife from his (the tracker's) grasp. Neither one of us would be called a particularly co-ordinated individual, but somehow at that moment we achieved our goal smoothly and efficiently, as if we were Ryan Gosling and getting the tracker's knife away from Melvin's throat was causing young women to swoon.
I even punched the tracker in the nose again for good measure.
Moments later the Tracker was hog-tied and lying in the back of the cart, with Krulnor and the warrior-girl standing guard.

"Well, that was surprisingly easy" I stated proudly to no-one in particular (who felt honoured that I would single him out as the recipient of my statement).
"I know" Melvin agreed, "A bit anti-climactic really, wouldn't you agree?"
"I guess so," I admitted, "But then again, the two of us are both geniuses (even if at times it feels as though I am less than so due to my reaction to strange events, or my over-looking of vital plot elements until they can be incorporated for humorous effect, but of course, that has nothing to with my mental faculties, and any genius could feel confused in such situations, and why am I defending myself to you anyway?) and I guess two heads really are better than one (by which of course, I am referring to both the unusual situation we find ourselves in, which once again is no reflection on my status as a genius (which is just an honest self-evaluation, and in no way a demonstration of arrogance), and the saying which implies that two people working together are more effective than an individual, and not merely that collecting more than one head is somehow laudible)."
I took a breath.
"Sorry if I'm rambling," I continued, "But my mentor died quite early in my training, so I guess I just haven't really had anyone my own level of intelligence to talk to for quite some time. It might be getting to me."
"I completely understand," Melvin said, giving me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder - something I appreciated despite how awkward it looked with him using 'my' left hand to do so. "My own mentor died early on in my training as well, shortly after my first attempt at 'Tames the Violently Hungry Leopard'..."
He trailed off, and I could tell he was re-living a particularly painful episode of his life.
At this proximity, I could practically hear it replaying in his head.
I could have sworn I heard the muffled sound of a leopard roar, and an agonized yell.

"Anyway," Melvin said, snapping out of his reverie, "Lets not dwell on the past. We've got work to do! Lets start with The Spell That Makes The Thing Which I Now Say, then we can focus on finishing your quest, and returning me to my body. Three things minimum. Lets make it two!"
He reached out for my ingredient bag, only to find it was half a foot out of reach. He sighed, and politely asked if I could lean forward slightly. I did so, and he retrieved all the necessary ingredients for his potion:
An old sock.
Nothing else.

Placing the spinach inside the sock (with the help of my hand), Melvin smiled a smile that said 'I know, this really does seem to be a pathetic excuse for a potion, but it works', and then uttered the incantation of 'The Spell That Makes The Thing Which I Now Say'.
I gasped.

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