The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Sunday, February 16, 2014


In a small, yet cosy, underground grotto (it wasn't a cave, or even a cavern, (or a caverna - the Spanish version of a cave) so probably the best word to describe it is 'grotto'. Imagine a comfortable lounge-type space, yet underground. Good. You're practically there.) the 10th Biennial conference of Premillenial Eschatological Fundamentalist Squirrels met over a light lunch of nuts, nuts, and nuts.
"Well," a wise old squirrel said as he chewed on a macadamia, "That was a rather exciting week now, wasn't it."
"I thought for a while there the Authors had returned!" A young hothead of a squirrel chirped. Some of the older ones smiled benevolently.
In one of the far corners of the grotto, a young boy drooled and snuffled his way through a lunch of mashed up cashew nuts and milk that was currently being fed to him by a motherly squirrel. "I ran a gggameshow!" He suddenly shouted, a twisted smile breaking out across his face at this announcement.
"I do hope the ice melts before nut season!" A nervous young squirrel said.
"Well, you never know what could happen." The wise old squirrel replied. "This could be the beginning of the end!"
"But then - why haven't we been raptured!" The nervous squirrel stammered, causing a few worried chitters to break out amongst his fellow squirrel-kind.
"There is no Author!" The young boy called out from his corner. "I am the script!" Some of the older squirrels growled angrily, and cast stern glances at the motherly squirrel. She nervously busied herself reapplying Ernie's bandage - the head wound had been oozing a bit lately and although their salves of crushed leaves and, you guessed it, nuts, had been working well, it was clear he would need some sort of serious medical attention once the 2 feet of ice currently residing above the grotto had thawed.
The wise old squirrel was not quite so disturbed by Ernie's ramblings. "What will be will be, my furry friends." He intoned proverbially. "For now, let us enjoy these nuts which have been so wonderfully prepared for us, and when the time comes for us to act, we will know what to do."
The other squirrels ate quietly, made content by the wisdom of their elder.
For a while, the only noise in the cave came from the snuffling sounds of Ernie finishing his lunch.

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