The World-Famous (to some people) online-novels of Lark and Musings, for you to sit back and enjoy in the quietness of your own home. Warning, all novels may contain traces of nuts, and insanity in large doses. (Reading hint: For more enjoyment and less wanting-to-die-from-how-stupid-it-all-is, L&M Blognovels are suggested read in smaller doses, rather than in one sitting).

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Krulnor's Konvenient Kameo

"Hang on," I mused aloud, as the cart clattered onwards down a dusty road to somewhere mysterious, "If we are now working on making a second potion, one which will aid me in completing Myron's final potion, which is so awesomely brilliant its effect has been kept concealed from the reader up until this point, how do we know which ingredients to look for? I mean, I have this first recipe," I said, pulling from my pocket the spell book and opening it to the three pages of Myron's list (now with two large ticks in crayon next to 'Eye of Troll' and 'Whisper of Gnome') "but what exactly goes into Melvin's potion? I assume some of these miscellaneous magical ingredients I purchased back in Outflank will help," at this point I held up a large cloth sack which appeared to be chock-a-block full of... things... "but how do I know which ones? And also, when do I get right my hand back?"
The trader was in a sullen sulk and thus not talking to me, and Balthazar appeared to be attempting to woo the young warrior girl with a song. I turned to the barbarian for support, raising my eyebrows quizzically to indicate that I wanted him to answer the question.

The barbarian looked at me thoughtfully and answered me. "Well, I don't too know much about these sorts of things, having only been the star of one prior blognovel myself," he began, "But I always found hitting things hard with weaponry and letting other people save me tended to cause things to work out OK. Being unbearably stupid also helped."
"Drat!" I responded. "I'm a genius who prefers to work alone, and I have no sword fighting skills at all! I'm doomed to failure!"
The midget monk turned around from his position near the front of the cart and said; "Yes, you don't seem to have many of the skills needed to be a successful medieval-magical universe hero. But as for your current predicament, the obvious next step would be to somehow get in touch with this chap Melvin."
"Brilliant!" I responded enthusiastically. "I know just the potion that will get the job done!" I rifled through Myron's book until I found the correct page;

"Long Distance Relationship"
- 1 Drop of Black Cat's Blood
- A lock of fair maiden's hair
- A letter of love
- and 7 tears fallen fresh from a young man's eyes.

Incantation, ("I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons) must be sung in French whilst underwater.

"Right!" I called the cart to a halt. "Let's get these ingredients together."
Our young warrior lass was only too happy to part with a lock of her hair - something about looking more fierce, she said.
The monk was less excited about parting with his cat's blood, mumbling something about it going great in rabbit casserole.
"So, is anyone currently in possession of a love letter?" I said, looking around. The tracker wasn't about to attract any lovers, looking as he did like a cross between Joe Dirt and Chad Kroeger. The girl, Balthazar, and the monk all shook their heads.
"Ah, damn." Krulnor begrudgingly handed over a much-creased bit of paper. "Fan mail - but it means something to me, you know?"
I thanked him for his generosity. "Now, how do we get these tears?" I wondered. "I know!" The warrior girl piped up, and without any further discussion she walked forward, drew back her foot and kicked Krulnor squarely between the legs.
Moments later, we had enough tears to make the potion several times over. "Ok... this better work..." I said as I stirred the potion up and began the incantation.

Former Artefact : : Next Item


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